

The Advisory Board of the AWVB consists of experts-by-experience. By involving individuals with intellectual disabilities in research that is important to them as early as possible, the AWVB aims to make better use of, and put greater emphasis on, the unique value of experiential expertise.

AWVB researchers submit their research proposals to the Advisory Board before submitting them to the Ethics Review Board of Tilburg University. This ensures we utilize the experiential knowledge of people with intellectual disabilities and that our research reflects the unique value of their experiential expertise.


Ad van Ginneken (Zuidwester/AWVB), Malu Bekers (Amarant), Erika Corstanje (Gors), Margaret Vlemmix (ORO), and Tineke Bosse (Amarant) form the Advisory Board along with the chair, Kim Beenhakker. Like Ad, Kim works at the AWVB as a co-researcher with experiential expertise. Sanne Giesbers sits on the Advisory Board as a researcher and AWVB knowledge manager Luciënne Heerkens serves as secretary to the Advisory Board.


The AWVB developed the training programme “Experiential expertise in research” (in Dutch: Ervaringsdeskundigheid in onderzoek) on conducting research for the members of the Advisory Board. This training programme has also been offered as a specialisation to LFB and the consortium Experiential Expertise of People with Intellectual Disabilities (in Dutch: Ervaringsdeskundigheid van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking) consortium of care organisations, CZ Care administration office, LFB, and Tranzo. This consortium, developed a programme to train experiential experts in collaboration with Fontys Hogeschool Sociale Studies.



Adviesraadvoorzitter Kim Beenhakker en hoogleraar Petri Embregts van de AWVB schreven een artikel over de waarde van ervaringsdeskundigheid in een adviesraad voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit artikel is gepubliceerd in het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen (NTz).

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